BURNABY—The Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) has agreed to begin negotiations with the Community Social Services Employers’ Association of BC (CSSEA) aimed at concluding renewal collective agreements with members in Community Social Services.
Along with CUPE and the lead union, BCGEU, the bargaining association members are HEU, HSA, USW, UFCW, CSWU, CLAC, BCNU, and SEIU. The Community Social Services sector consists of collective agreements for Community Living Services, General Services, and Aboriginal Services.
The existing contracts between the CSSEA and CSSBA expire on March 31, 2019. They cover approximately 3,000 CUPE members among a total of more than 15,000 unionized workers within the provincial bargaining sector.
“We’re pleased to be entering into early contract negotiations,” says CUPE bargaining committee member Sheryl Burns. “The Community Social Services sector has been in crisis for over a decade. We look forward to improving the working conditions and lives of our members and caring professionals who provide support to some of the most vulnerable British Columbians.”
CUPE has been preparing for a return to the bargaining table since late last year, identifying priorities through member surveys and bargaining meetings.
Bargaining will commence on May 15, 2018.
We will post more information as it becomes available. Please make sure your contact information is up to date by e-mailing CUPE Community Social Services Coordinator Louise Oetting at loetting@cupe.ca.