Collingwood Neighbourhood House workers reach tentative agreement

VANCOUVER—Community Social Services workers, members of CUPE Local 1936, have reached a tentative agreement with Collingwood Neighbourhood House (CNH).

The parties held five face-to-face bargaining sessions beginning on December 18. At the conclusion of the final session on March 26, the employer and union signed off on a five-year agreement that will include an 8.5-per-cent increase over the next four years, with an extra 3.3 per cent over the life of the agreement for casual workers (a 2.9-per-cent wage increase plus 0.4 per cent in lieu of Family Day), plus 1 per cent of last year’s wages in lieu of retro pay.

See the full story by clicking here.

Steward Learning Series

CUPE 1936 is hosting a shop steward training. Please contact Bernice Way (education officer) or 604 781-6864,  if you would like to sign up for it. There are a few spots still available. 

February 12 – 13, 2019 | CUPE BC Regional Office, Burnaby, British Columbia | English
– Introduction to Stewarding
– Ally Skills for Stewards

April 1, 2019 Low Wage Redress Distribution

On April 1, 2019, bargaining unit employees are to receive a 2% general wage increase, and mileage rates will increase to $0.49/km.

CSSEA and CSSBA have agreed on the distribution of the first of three annual $20 million Low Wage Redress fund (wage schedules outlining the hourly wages are attached) effective April 1, 2019. This will also cover the adjustment in pay in lieu of benefits for part-time and casual employees to account for the addition of Family Day.

Read the full bulletin here.

March Membership Meeting

You will noticed that we changed the membership meeting for March, 2019.

The new date is :   March 13, 2019 @ 6:45 pm – 8:45 pm

WHERE:  CUPE 1936, 6222 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby, BC V5H

CONTACT:  Sheryl Burns   604 522-8445  Email
Hope to see you all there. Pizza and refreshment is provided.

New Wage Grids for Community Social Services


click HERE to see the wage grids

December 18, 2018

New wage grids available for Community Social Services

Wage increases effective February 1, 2019

The Public Service Agency has calculated the Economic Stability Dividend (ESD) for 2019, which will amount to a 0.75% increase on hourly rates effective the first pay period after February 1, 2019. A general wage increase of 1% is also in effect on the same date, raising hourly wage rates for all Community Social Service members by a total of 1.75%.

The bargaining agents for the sector have agreed to new wage grids that incorporate these increases for all members represented by the Community Social Services Bargaining Association, including CUPE members who work in Community Living and General Services. See the new wage grids incorporating the wage increases, attached to this e-mail.

The ESD was negotiated in collective agreements covering workers in direct government, health, social services, crown corporations, universities, K to 12 and other post-secondary institutions. The ESD increase applies to all collective agreements with the ESD Memorandum of Understanding.

The Economic Stability Dividend is calculated on the variation between the actual growth in provincial real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the projected real GDP growth, provided by the provincial Economic Forecast Council. Real GDP is adjusted for inflation and is measured by Statistics Canada. It is published on a provincial basis in their report titled Real Gross Domestic Product at Market Prices in November of each year.

The CSSBA has confirmed the Employer’s ESD calculation of 0.75% on the new wage grids.

This is the last implementation of the Economic Stability Dividend from the April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2019 collective agreement. Under this agreement there was a total of 5.5% in general wage increases, 7.5% for comparability adjustments and 1.95% in four Economic Stability Dividend increases. The recently negotiated collective agreement improves on this with additional general wage increases and annual amounts for Low Wage Redress, which will apply to all positions with comparable jobs in the Health Sector

Collingwood Neighbourhood House bargaining surveys now available online!

CUPE 1936 members who work at Collingwood Neighbourhood House are invited to fill out their bargaining surveys, either online or using  a paper version.

For paper versions, please contact the Local office or a Shop Steward at CNH.

CLICK HERE to fill it out online.

Please note that all surveys must be complete by 2pm on November 30th!

UPDATE!  While paper surveys will be collected at 2pm on Nov 30th, you can STILL fill out the online survey until 8am on Monday, December 3rd!

Day of Action for Child Care on Nov. 20


CUPE’s National Child Care Working Group is going to be on Parliament Hill on November 20th, along with parents, grandparents and other child care advocates to tell MPs and Senators that across Canada, licensed child care is unaffordable, impossible to find, and suffering a workforce crisis.

We want to leave Parliamentarians thinking hard about the situation for families and educators in their local ridings and communities. They need to know that all of Parliament has a responsibility to help solve this crisis. That’s why we are asking them to become child care champions by increasing funding for child care, with a 10-year goal of child care for all—a child care system that is accessible and inclusive of all families who need child care.

And we need your help! On November 20th, you can join us from wherever you are in Canada and show your support for child care. There are three important actions you can take:

1) Tweet with us!

We’re using the hashtag #ChildCareChampion to tell MPs that affordable, quality child care is a priority. Tweet with us using this hashtag to show why you support increased funding for child care. Here are some ideas:

  • I need a #ChildCareChampion because child care workers need decent wages and working conditions. Visit to find out more.
  •  I need a #ChildCareChampion because I’ve been a child care worker for two decades & my job is still precarious. Visit to find out more.
  • We need a #ChildCareChampion because access to affordable child care is a massive hurdle to gender equality in the workforce. to find out more.
  • We need a #ChildCareChampion because where someone lives shouldn’t determine whether they will be able to afford child care. to find out more.

Want to make sure you’re heard? Tweet directly at your Member of Parliament! Click here to find your MP’s Twitter handle.

 2) Send a letter to your MP

Tell your MP we need child care champions on Parliament Hill! Click here to send a message to your MP.

3) Sign the petition

Visit to sign Child Care Now’s petition, asking for:

  • The federal government to implement a high-quality, universal non-profit child care system that families across Canada can afford; and
  • All levels of government to make major investments in child care—starting in 2019 and increasing each year until Canada meets the accepted international child care spending benchmark of 1 percent of GDP.

This petition will be delivered directly to the Office of the Prime Minister leading up to the 2019 federal election. Click here to sign.

Thanks in advance for your solidarity and support!


Change to Membership Meeting time.

Please note that our membership meetings will be starting @ 6:45 pm to 8:45 pm.

Join us on November 21st for the last membership meeting of this year. (we don’t meet in December)

There will be pizza for all and it is a great opportunity to hear what the local is working on as well to hear about the local units.

We look forward to seeing you there.

There is underground parking  available

Parking at the CUPE Regional office

45 spaces will be available for those attending the meeting.

  • Someone will be present at the top of the ramp to open the parking gate for you. Please identify which unit you are from.
  • Park in any spot on P1 that has a “reserved 24 hour” sign on it. There are designated accessible spots.
  • Someone will be present to let you into the elevator area to go up to the 4th floor.
  • If you arrive  after 7 there are a few spaces available in the surface courtyard. (Please leave those free for latecomers.)

If you aren’t parking:

Someone will be present to let you into the ground level lobby to go up to the 4th floor.

If you arrive late:

A phone number will be posted to text someone to come and let you in.