Dear members,

Please read on for general CUPE BC announcements and to learn more about upcoming events, learning resources, and community engagement opportunities. If this email was forwarded to you and you wish to be added to our mailing list, please send an email request to

 CUPE BC RWC | Black History Month Poster Project | Feb 2023.                    The CUPE BC Racialized Workers Committee is working on the 2023 Black History Month poster to educate members on the often forgotten and erased history of Black people and    Black communities in Canada. These posters will be sent out electronically to all Locals. To receive printed copies for Local offices, please e-mail with the subject line “Black History Month Poster Recipient List” and quantity required by Monday, January 9, 2023.

CCDI | Unlearning Fatphobia Webinar | Jan 24                  In the wake of countless weight-loss resolutions in the New Year, why not explore the entrenched fatphobic assumptions in our cultural fabric and challenge social and individual assumptions about weight? The Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion webinar Unlearning fatphobia – Body diversity and fat inclusion introduces the concepts of body diversity, fatphobia and fat inclusion in the workplace. To view a wide range of educational resources from CCDI, also browse their list of downloadable guides.

 Date & Time: Jan 24, 2023 | 1:00 – 2:00pm (Eastern)        Fee: $39 for the general public, free for affiliates

Registration: Click here

 CCDI Consulting | Remote Training for Inclusion & Diversity | Jan – May 2023                      The consulting branch of the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion has three certificate programs (13 courses total) currently open for registration, all based on their IDEA strategy.


Foundations in IDEA

Jan 10 – 26, 2023

Apr 12 – 29, 2023

Jul 6 – 24, 2023

Fee: $499 + applicable taxes


IDEA Influencer

Jan 31 – Mar 2, 2023

Jul 27 – Aug 28, 2023


Fee: $699 + applicable taxes


Anti-racism Education

May 3 – Jun 2, 2023



Fee: $699 + applicable taxes

 British Columbia Reconciliation Award | Jan 20                                                 Nominations close January 20th for the 2023 BC Reconciliation Award, whose selection committee includes representation by Indigenous Elders, BC First Nations leadership and government partners. View the nomination guide, nominate a British Columbian or group/organization that demonstrates exceptional commitment to advancing the principles of Reconciliation via the nomination form (scroll down), and view the 2022 awardee profiles.

 Lancaster House | Labour Relations Certificate (virtual) | Feb 7                                                 The deadline for the virtual Labour Relations Certificate program presented by Toronto Metropolitan University and Lancaster House is December 30th, 2022. The program counts for 28 CPD hours and features 6 Toronto M.U. faculty combining theory, reading research, and professional experience.

 Program Schedule.      Feb 7 – Mar 2, 2023 | 12:30pm – 4:00pm (Eastern), eight sessions.       Fee: $4,995 + HST

 Should you have any questions regarding this update, please email for additional information.

CSSBA Bulletin – An Update from your Community Social Services Bargaining Association

November 29, 2022

An update from your community social services bargaining association

The nine-union Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) has not been back to
the negotiations table since the last update that we shared with you in early November, but we
wanted to let you know what is happening with the negotiation of your new collective agreement
in the Indigenous Services, General Services, and Community Living sub-sectors.
As you know, we have been hard at work for many months, negotiating with the representatives
of the employers’ association, and bringing forward the priorities that you identified. These
priorities include fair and equitable wages to address rising costs, meaningful recognition of rights
for Indigenous workers and your ability to address your own health needs, including mental
health supports.

We have made progress at the table and have made many agreements on monetary and non-
monetary priorities. However, at this point, we remain significantly far apart from the employers

on a few key priorities in all three sub-sector community social services agreements.
We are working towards true reconciliation which means that all Indigenous workers are
respected, and their cultural needs are valued. Our work at the negotiations table is in line with a
shared commitment to reconciliation, and we believe that this should be reflected in
improvements to your collective agreement.
We will continue to fight for the best collective agreement that values you and the work that you
bring to your workplace and to your community. We are working towards an agreement that not
only puts more money in your pocket but enables you to take care of your health and have a safe
We are also working to address a systemic issue with our community social services sector:
recruitment and retention. We are working hard to bring all of your priorities to the table and to
make your work more supported and attractive to new workers in the sector.
What comes next?
We had hoped to be able to schedule additional bargaining dates before the end of this calendar
year, but due to scheduling challenges, that is not possible. We are now looking at bargaining
dates in the New Year and we will keep you in the loop as we move forward.
In the meantime, it is critical that you keep your contact information up-to-date with your union
stewards along with your workplace contacts so we can keep you informed as we move forward.

And please, share this bulletin with your co-workers to make sure that everyone in your
workplace has a signed union card.
We thank you for all of your support!
In solidarity,
Your Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) Negotiating Committee:
Andrea Duncan, CSSBA Negotiating Committee Chair
Angela Reed, BCGEU
April Duffield, BCGEU
Brian Calderwood, BCGEU
Jessica Daigneault, BCGEU
Kari Bepple, BCGEU
Katelynn Banky, BCGEU
Linda Rowley, BCGEU
Melissa Linn, BCGEU
Pamela Pye, BCGEU
Patricia Phillips, BCGEU
Rene Francis, BCGEU
Tammy Lewis, BCGEU
Wynn Hartfelder, BCGEU
Sheryl Burns, CUPE
Gabrielle Cameron, CUPE
Bob Crozier, CUPE
Lee-Ann Lalli, CUPE
Valeria Mancilla, CUPE
Mike Varga, CUPE
David Heuspe, HEU
Cheryl McLachlan, HEU
Loise Peloquin, HEU
Colin Brehaut, HSA
Dawn Marie Goodmurphy, HSA
Shelley Moore, LiUNA! Local 1611
Michael Reed, CUPE Staff
Christina Lloyd-Jones, HEU Staff
James Coccola, BCGEU Executive Vice President
Selena Kongpreecha, Lead Negotiator

Asking for your help so we can get this important message to provincial decision-makers.

In the last year, thousands of letters have been sent to trustees across British Columbia asking school districts to provide in-house before- and after-school care using existing school facilities and staff. Trustees are willing to take this step, but need support from the B.C. government.

That’s why our campaign will now focus on the province, and seek significant funding for school-based, public childcare from the 2023 provincial budget.

Your help is needed today. Please go to our website and sign-up again to send a new letter to the B.C. government calling for public childcare funding.

We are asking the B.C. government to fund school districts to create new school-aged spaces, support the hiring of a childcare coordinator in every district, expand ongoing childcare pilot projects, and mandate school districts to deliver public childcare.

Tell the B.C. government it’s time to build a comprehensive public system of school-aged care using the B.C. school system.

Recent investments in childcare have focused on early years care for kids five and under. The next step is building the thousands of school-aged spaces that communities need, and with your help we can make this a reality for families across B.C.

Thank for your support of public childcare in B.C.!

Karen Ranalletta, President


CUPE National Women’s Conference | Mar 12-15, 2023 – Save the date for the CUPE National Women’s Conference next March, which will bring together members from across the country to advocate for women’s rights and gender equality in the union, in the workplace, and all areas of society.

 National Indigenous Veterans Day | Nov 8 – Next week is the National Indigenous Veterans Day. Video resources about Indigenous Veterans are compiled at the national veterans site. As well, view the attached resource list compiled by the District Indigenization Coordinator at BC School District 8, Kootenay Lake.

BCMSA | Joint OH&S Training | Nov 17 – Enrollment is open for members of Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committees to complete the one-day JOHSC Fundamentals virtual training course designed by WorkSafeBC and the BC Municipal Safety Association.       Date & Time: Nov 17, 2022 | 8:00am – 4:00pm (Pacific).     Fee: $150

BC Fed H&S | Incident Investigations | Nov 18 –  Participants in BC Federation Health & Safety Centre’s upcoming Incident Investigations course will examine the new legal requirements for incident investigations, examine the principles of incident causation, investigation results, and preparing reports.         Date & Time: Nov 18, 2022 | 8:30am – 4:30pm (Pacific)
Location: Comfort Inn & Suites at 8255 166 Street, Surrey, BC      Fee: $155

BC Fed | Gig Workers Deserve Better Campaign – The BC Federation of Labour is campaigning on behalf of basic employment rights for gig workers. The brochure attached here can be distributed to gig workers in your community who would like to unionize, including a website they can submit their stories.

OSA | Survey BC Seniors 2022 Volunteer Call –   The Office of the Seniors Advocate, an independent office of the provincial government, is surveying seniors in long-term care across the province for 2022. Volunteer surveyors can apply here or call 1-877-952-9181. Survey results from 2017 are also available.

CLiFF 2022 | Nov 2022 –  The 14th annual Canadian Labour Internation Film Festival is here! The film catalogue is available for free streaming online on the scheduled dates, and in various live in-person locations, featuring unions from throughout Canada and the world.

Covenant House | Sleep Out Fundraiser | Nov 17 – $209,144.43 has already been raised by 21 teams and 46 participants in the Sleep Out fundraiser in aid of 24/7 care for young people seeking shelter. On November 17th, a community of executives, professional leaders, companies and individuals will be giving up their bed for one night to ensure that vulnerable young people can sleep safely atCovenant House Vancouver, and those wishing to donate to the project can choose a team or participant to help.

United Way | Lunchtime Discussion Panel | Nov 22 –  Stronger Unions Make Stronger Communities is a free in-person lunchtime discussion panel hosted in Vancouver by United Way BC and United Way Southern Vancouver Island. Reserve a spot here.       Date & Time: Nov 22, 2022 | 12:00pm – 1:00pm (Pacific).        Location: Vancouver Convention Centre East (Room 1-3) at 1055 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC

CHSF-CAS | Coalition APM | Nov 23 –  Save the date for the Coalition for Healthy School Food virtual Annual Members Meeting to plan the Coalition’s activities. To choose a roundtable theme (National School Nutritious Meal Program proposal or Pre-Budget 2023 Submission) members can e-mail Follow additional CHSF news & updates here.        Date & Time: Nov 23, 2022 | 12:00pm – 3:00pm (Eastern)

Lancaster House | Spotlight on Medical Information | Nov 25 – Lancaster House is offering practical guidance on handling medical information through an upcoming virtual workshop. Four experienced counsel and medical experts in the speaker line-up will be delving into the legal framework governing the collection, use and storage of employee personal health information.     Date & Time: Nov 25, 2022 | 10:00am – 5:00pm (Mountain).     Fee: $945

DEWC Holiday Wishlist | Dec 2022   –    Those wanting to contribute to the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre members in need this winter season can drop off items from the wishlist below at 302 Columbia St., Vancouver. For more information contact from the Fundraising team.


– Lip balm & hand cream

– Make-up & make-up bags

– Body wash, toothbrush & toothpaste

– Hair brush and combs


– Gloves, scarves, hats

– Underwear & socks

– Pajamas (S, M, L) & slippers

– Throws & blankets


– For 1-5 years / 6-9 years

Christmas chocolates & cookies


– Gift cards

– Sporting goods

– Backpacks & school supplies

– Art supplies

October 19th Monthly Membership Meeting

Hi there,

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Oct 19, 2022 06:30 PM Vancouver

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Bargaining Update from CSSBA

October 4, 2022

Parties still far apart on wages, Indigenous worker support, other issues as talks put on pause

After returning to the negotiations table in mid-September, talks continued over wages and
compensation with a focus on making gains in the areas that members have mandated us to
achieve in this round of bargaining.

As it stands, the parties still do not agree on how to reach a tentative agreement that includes a
fair and equitable compensation package, meaningful recognition and reconciliation for
Indigenous workers, supporting psychologically safer and healthier workplaces, and promoting
equity, diversity and inclusion.

Community social services is the only public sector with a specific subsector collective agreement
for Indigenous Services. These workers support individuals, children and families in communities
across the province. We cannot reach a tentative agreement that does not fully recognize these
workers and bring them parity with their counterparts, specifically those who are directly
employed with the provincial government in non-Indigenous agencies.

Bargaining will now be paused due to scheduling conflicts. However, we will continue with small
group discussions in preparation for resuming negotiations in November.
We know that you have been waiting patiently for us to reach a tentative agreement. While we
did not anticipate spending this much time at the bargaining table, we are committed to working
towards an agreement we can proudly bring back to members to vote on.
In solidarity,

Your Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) Negotiating Committee

CUPE 1936 Membership Meeting

Hi there,

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Sep 28, 2022 06:30 PM Vancouver

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Provincial Bargaining Update

September 16, 2022

Wages, compensation and Indigenous rights dominate contract talks this week

As negotiations for your new collective agreement continue, talks are heating up between your community social services bargaining association and representatives of the employers’ association.

This week, your committee countered the employers’ wages and compensation offer. Your committee has heard loud and clear from our members across the community social services sector that protection against the rising cost of living is a key priority.

There is still significant work to do at the table to achieve a fair and equitable compensation package, including wage increases, as both sides are quite far apart.

Talks are also focused on meaningful recognition of the rights of Indigenous workers across all three subsector collective agreements: Community Living, General Services, and Indigenous Services.

Community social services is the only public sector with a specific subsector collective agreement for Indigenous Services. These workers support individuals, children, and families in communities across the province in roles including family preservation workers, social workers, counsellors, support workers and so much more.

We cannot reach an agreement that does not fully recognize these workers and bring them parity with their counterparts, specifically those who are directly employed by the provincial government in non-Indigenous agencies.

Your bargaining team is scheduled to be back at the table for more talks next week. We are making progress on shared priorities including improvements for safer and healthier workplaces, better mental health supports and recognition of the diversity of our members. But we are going to continue to fight hard for a compensation package that recognizes your value.

As we move forward, it is more important than ever before that we keep you in the loop. Make sure that your worksite contacts and union stewards have your updated contact information (you can update it here) and that you have signed your union card.

Please make sure that your colleagues are also updating their contact information and share this bulletin!

In solidarity,

Your Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) Negotiating Committee
