Community Social Services EXTENDS bargaining survey deadline to Feb. 9th!

As our Community Services and Living Services collective agreements expire on March 31 next year, CUPE’s Community Social Services sector is holding a bargaining survey to canvass member priorities in preparation for the next round of bargaining.

By completing this survey, members can give us the kind of valuable information that will help us to achieve the best collective agreement possible.

The survey, which takes about 15 minutes to complete, is confidential and will not be shared with the Employer or any other union members. CUPE CSS members may fill out the survey online by clicking this link or with a paper version.

Paper copies are available from your shop steward and/or Local representative. If you complete the paper version of this survey, please give it to your CUPE Local President and/or Unit Chair. Or you can mail it or fax it to:

CUPE Community Social Services Member Survey (Confidential)
Attention: Darlene Stone or Liz Blackwood
CUPE British Columbia Regional Office
4940 Canada Way, Suite 500
Burnaby, BC  V5G 4T3

Fax: 604-291-6248


DEADLINE: Please complete this survey by FEBRUARY 9th, 2018.

Membership Meeting on January 17th, 2018

We will be having our 1st – 2018 – Local 1936 membership meeting on January 17th at the office, #208 – 800 McBride Blvd. From 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

This is an opportunity to hear what is happening in the local at the various agencies, what is coming up for conventions and conferences, what is being planned for bargaining and to have your questions answered.
As always, there will be pizza, drinks, and goodies.
We would love to see you at it and welcome anyone new that has not been able to join us in the past.

Remember that if you car pool with at least 1 other member from your agencies we will pay your mileage.

See you there.  If you can’t make it then have someone from your agency come with your questions or concerns.

CSS – Precarious work survey

The Precarious Work Survey has been extended to ensure CSSBA gets the maximum responses.

The deadline now is December 5th, 2017

Please fill out this survey.

Thank you

the link for the survey is as follows.

CUPE 1936 next local meeting for executives and members

The next CUPE 1936 Local meeting for executives and members will be November 15th at 6:30 to 8:30 pm. We are so excited to have Rachna Singh , MLA – Surrey Green Timbers. Surrey, to speak to us about the goals of the NDP government. Please let your members know. We hope to see a good turnout. Please let the executive know how many members will be attending this meeting. The meeting will be held at the local 1936 office, 800 McBride Blvd. New Westminster.
(please note that the October 11 and 18th meeting are cancelled.)

Walk For Reconciliation – Vancouver

Your Impact

This is an opportunity for people of all backgrounds to make a personal contribution to the reconciliation movement.

How we build relationships today affects our next generations. Through walking in the spirit of reconciliation you honour intergenerational lives taken, honour survivors and those impacted by the Indian residential school system, and show your support for the youth in all communities.