Please respect the unions’ picket lines in the following disputes, and do not patronize these businesses until the dispute is settled.

BCGEU vs Vancouver Island Regional Library
Major Issues: Wages, Safety Issues, Respectful Workplace
Commenced: March 9, 2022

USW Local 1-1937 & Strathcona Gardens Recreation Complex
Major Issues: Fair & Equitable Contract
Commenced: November 22, 2021

IAM 250 vs IG Machine & Fibre Ltd. (Ashcroft, BC)
Major Issues: Cost of employer mandated Health & Welfare Plan and Wages
Commenced: July 12, 2021

UNITE HERE Local 40 vs Pacific Gateway Hotel
Major Issues: Recall Rights, Concessions
Commenced: May 3, 2021

UNITE HERE Local 40 vs Hilton Metrotown
Major Issues: Refusal to extend recall rights, Concessions
Commenced: February 12, 2021

IBEW 213 vs Ledcor
Major Issues: First agreement (in bargaining for 2 years), mass terminations, working conditions, pay & benefits, job security & seniority
Commenced: September 30, 2019


Boycott: SAS Group (Scandinavian Airlines System) – CLC
Boycott: Pacific Gateway Hotel, Richmond, BC – UNITEHERE! Local 40/BCFED
Boycott: Hilton Metrotown, Burnaby, BC – UNITEHERE! Local 40/BCFED

CUPE Anti-Racism Strategy following the 2021 National Convention.

Let’s Connect! CUPE Anti-Racism Gathering | Apr 9, 2022

All Black, Indigenous and/or racialized CUPE members, grassroots and executive alike, are invited to register for a gathering where they will come together to share, be heard, and lift each other up, toward the aim of Bringing CUPE’s Anti-Racism Strategy to life. Event includes French and English interpretation.


Date & Time: Apr 9, 2022 | 2:00pm – 4:00pm (Eastern)
Registration Deadline: Apr 1, 2022
Register here

Tonight’s Membership Meeting

Hi there,

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Mar 16, 2022 06:30 PM Vancouver

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.Tonight’

Bargaining Updates

As you may be aware the Local is in bargaining for the new Collective Agreement. If you would like to stay informed or to find out how it is going then you  can get up to date information through the website below.
If you have any questions please reach out to the table officers.
Sheryl Burns, President –
Lee Ann Lalli – Vice President –
Bernice Way – Secretary/Treasurer –
Valeria Mancilla – CSSBA bargaining committee.



In light of the historical atrocities, colonialism, genocide and ongoing women, CUPE Local 1936 would like to express condolences to the missing and murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, their families and friends and to the Indigenous community as we honor the lives lost during yesterday’s memorial march.

We know the Women’s Annual Memorial March does not bring back the lives unjustly taken, and want to join with you in honoring the memory of women and girls whose lives were stolen far too soon.

 Our thoughts are with you as you mourn, and we mourn alongside you and pledge to do our best to contribute to Truth and Reconciliation.  We stand with you against colonization, racism and discrimination.

 In solidarity,

 Sheryl Burns

Lee-Ann Lalli

Bernice Way

» British Columbia’s Black Pioneers: Their Industry and Character Influenced the Vision of Canada

These are some of the intrepid pioneers who made Vancouver Island and Salt Spring Island their home beginning in 1858. Images courtesy of City of Victoria Archives, Royal BC Museum and Archives, and Salt Spring Island Archives

This blog post was written by Fran Morrison – Board Secretary, BC Black History Awareness Society.

Our Story Begins in 1858. 164 years ago, a group of about 800 Black settlers, invited by the governor of the British colony, journeyed to British Columbia. The BC Black History Awareness Society (BCBHAS) has created an online exhibit to share their stories and describe the influence that they and their families had on the province’s historical development and diversity. The exhibit, which officially opened in December 2020, is hosted by Digital Museums Canada.

British Columbia’s Black Pioneers is a collection of short stories about women, men, families, and partnerships that show the intricacies of the events, experiences, and circumstances of everyday life of the Black pioneers, such as winning prizes at the earliest Saanich Fair in 1875, organizing by women in Victoria to raise money to support Black troops in the American Civil War, and confronting discrimination while still achieving many “firsts” in business, politics, and education

The story and history of these Black settlers is an important part of understanding Canada’s multicultural society. Canadians are generally taught that Black people came to Canada to seek relief from the oppression of slavery or, more recently, from repressive socio-economic conditions in their home countries. These stories help round out the picture of Canada by showing how this group of free men and women contributed to the richness of the new, emerging society in the west and were an integral part of its early formation. Knowing the full history of the roles Black people played in the development of Canada results in a better understanding of the advantages of multiculturalism today.  As schools are increasingly relying on digital mediums to enhance their curriculum, connecting Black youth to stories of inspiring past achievements results in far-reaching positive outcomes. The Government of Canada recognizes the utility of making these stories available and lists this exhibit as an educational resource on their information page about Canadian Black History Organization


CUPE Local 1936 Monthly Membership Meeting Invite


Wednesday  February 16th, 2022 @ 6:30

pm.  (the 3rd Wednesday of every month , except July,

August and December)

Register ahead of time and attend your union, Local 1936, for

the Monthly Membership Meeting. 

Make sure you register ahead of time so your name can be

added to the draw for prizes. 

We hope you all we be able to make it.

Please post on the union bulletin boards at your worksite and

let others know.

See below for the Zoom link and agenda

Hi there, 

You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 
When: Feb 16, 2022 06:30 PM Vancouver 

Register in advance for this meeting: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.