CUPE’s National Safe Union Spaces Working Group.


Earlier this year, CUPE created a National Safe Union Spaces Working Groupto address serious concerns about gender-based violence and other forms of harassment and discrimination in our union.

Our work is being guided by expert external consultants. The external consultants will be holding a series of focus groups to help CUPE review our existing tools and processes, and identify gaps where we need changes or additional resources to ensure safer union spaces for all members.

Some of the sessions are being held specifically for members of our equity-seeking groups. Members are welcome to attend the session for any group that they identify as a member of, and all members are welcome in the general sessions.

Focus groups will take place on Zoom. Please use the following links to register for the session you wish to attend.


All members are welcome to participate. Don’t miss out – register today!

In solidarity,

The National Safe Union Spaces Working Group

Judy Henley
Sherry Hillier
Lee-Anne Kalen
Yolanda McClean
Nan McFadgen
Debra Merrier
Barb Nederpel
Carole Neill
Karen Ranalletta
Candace Rennick