As our Community Services and Living Services collective agreements expire on March 31 next year, CUPE’s Community Social Services sector is holding a bargaining survey to canvass member priorities in preparation for the next round of bargaining.
By completing this survey, members can give us the kind of valuable information that will help us to achieve the best collective agreement possible.
The survey, which takes about 15 minutes to complete, is confidential and will not be shared with the Employer or any other union members. CUPE CSS members may fill out the survey online by clicking this link or with a paper version.
Paper copies are available from your shop steward and/or Local representative. If you complete the paper version of this survey, please give it to your CUPE Local President and/or Unit Chair. Or you can mail it or fax it to:
CUPE Community Social Services Member Survey (Confidential)
Attention: Darlene Stone or Liz Blackwood
CUPE British Columbia Regional Office
4940 Canada Way, Suite 500
Burnaby, BC V5G 4T3
Fax: 604-291-6248
DEADLINE: Please complete this survey by FEBRUARY 9th, 2018.