2.5% Classification Anomaly and Compensation Comparability Wage Increases (April 1, 2017)
2.5% Classification Anomaly and Compensation Comparability Wage Increases (April 1, 2017)
Please click on the link above to see the joint communique from CSSEA and CSSBA regarding this years’ Classification Anomaly and Comparability wage increases.
Moon Lights the Way for our President Michael Lanier
It is with tremendous sadness that we inform you that our long-term, committed President, Michael Lanier passed into the next realm, guided by the light of the full moon. He will be truly missed by all of us. His dedication to our local and the labour movement along with his life-long commitment to social justice issues has left a lasting impact on our community. Michael never passed up an opportunity to advocate on behalf of our members, for community social service and child care issues. He was a constant presence at the microphones at conventions and conferences and regularly attended picket lines for CUPE and non-CUPE members alike. Michael was frequently seen at rallies throughout the Lower Mainland.
Michael was also a Regional Vice-President of CUPE BC and was extraordinarily proud to represent CUPE Metro and Community Social Service members on the CUPE BC Executive Board. He was also a strong and passionate advocate for childcare issues and worked closely with the Child Care Coalition and was co-chair of the CUPE BC Childcare Working Group and the CUPE National Childcare Working Group. He was committed to achieving a publicly funded, accessible, affordable and quality childcare system. Michael was also Co-Chair of the CUPE BC Community Social Services Committee and Co-Chaired the first Community Social Services Sectoral Conference. Michael bargained in every single round of Community Social Services negotiations on behalf of CUPE members throughout British Columbia since the 1998-99 round of provincial bargaining. He also negotiated several “stand-alone” Collective Agreements on behalf of members within our Local. In his many years as a 3999 and 1936 member and President, Michael advocated on behalf of members in grievance meetings and membership meetings, achieving positive results. Michael was famous for his IT abilities and created and maintained the CUPE Local 1936 website, and advanced Community Social Service and Childcare issues through social media, primarily Facebook and Twitter. Michael also had a passion for photography and everywhere he went, he was the guy behind the camera recording events for posterity.
It is impossible to capture in this brief synopsis, the breadth of Michael’s activism and of his life. There is so much more that could be said here about Michael. Michael was a true “jack of all trades”. Most importantly, Michael is best remembered for his kindness and for his loyalty. He was always willing to lend a helping hand when needed and was a tremendous role model for all of us.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Michael’s family and friends during this difficult period. We will keep you informed of dates and times in which Michael’s life will be honoured and celebrated.
Should you require any assistance with union related business, please call the CUPE Local 1936 office at 604-522-8445 or email Sheryl Burns, the Local Vice-President at sburns00@hotmail.com. Should you have any administrative related issues, please feel free to contact Bernice Way, the Local Treasurer at bernicemway@gmail.com.
With deepest condolences,
Sheryl Burns, Vice-President and Bernice Way, Treasurer of CUPE Local 1936