Aubrey Burton/Reg Ford Scholarship | Application Form | Aug 31, 2021

CUPE BC is now accepting applications for the Aubrey Burton/Reg Ford Scholarship.  Please find attached a copy of the application form, which is also available online on the CUPE BC website (click here).

Scholarships are awarded on both a competitive and lottery basis based on the following criteria:

  1. Parent, Guardian or Spouse of Applicant, or the Applicant her/himself must be a member in good standing of a CUPE Local affiliated to CUPE BC at the time of application.
  2. Applicant must have completed Grade 12 in the current or previous calendar year.
  3. Applicant must be entering first year of a recognized public postsecondary institution in BC. A copy of the acceptance letter from the admitting institution must be supplied.
  4. Applicant must complete an application form supported by copies of the Senior Secondary Statement and letter(s) of reference from school principal or counsellor.

All applications must be received by the CUPE BC Office ( by end of day on August 31, 2021.