Up coming event

Rural Voices Gathering Event InviteOur friends at the Rural Coordination Centre of BC (RCCbc) are inviting BCHC members to the Rural Voices Gathering – a province-wide gathering to contribute to conversations and build connections that will shape the future of health and wellness in rural BC. The event is co-hosted by the First Nations Health Authority, and Health Quality BC and is open to anyone living, working or providing services to rural and remote communities in BC, including First Nations and Métis Chartered Communities in rural and remote areas.

Topics will include:

  • The Rural and Remote Health Strategy being developed by the BC Ministry of Health
  • Transportation for health services
  • Selection, education and training for health care providers from rural and remote communities in BC, including First Nations and Métis Chartered Communities in rural and remote areas
  • Hybrid health care including peer-to-peer virtual support, in-person and virtual patient consultations

There is a virtual session on Wednesday, Nov. 27th from 8:30am to 1:30pm. You can register here.