October 4, 2022
Parties still far apart on wages, Indigenous worker support, other issues as talks put on pause
After returning to the negotiations table in mid-September, talks continued over wages and
compensation with a focus on making gains in the areas that members have mandated us to
achieve in this round of bargaining.
As it stands, the parties still do not agree on how to reach a tentative agreement that includes a
fair and equitable compensation package, meaningful recognition and reconciliation for
Indigenous workers, supporting psychologically safer and healthier workplaces, and promoting
equity, diversity and inclusion.
Community social services is the only public sector with a specific subsector collective agreement
for Indigenous Services. These workers support individuals, children and families in communities
across the province. We cannot reach a tentative agreement that does not fully recognize these
workers and bring them parity with their counterparts, specifically those who are directly
employed with the provincial government in non-Indigenous agencies.
Bargaining will now be paused due to scheduling conflicts. However, we will continue with small
group discussions in preparation for resuming negotiations in November.
We know that you have been waiting patiently for us to reach a tentative agreement. While we
did not anticipate spending this much time at the bargaining table, we are committed to working
towards an agreement we can proudly bring back to members to vote on.
In solidarity,
Your Community Social Services Bargaining Association (CSSBA) Negotiating Committee