Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

Online courses to help you recognize and prevent harassment and violence


When it comes to harassment and violence, employees, managers, committee members, and employers all have important roles to play. To support each of these groups in federally regulated workplaces, CCOHS has developed three online courses that explain their specific responsibilities and duties.

Keep current with changing legislation

Major amendments to the Canada Labour Code (Part II) relating to work place harassment and violence prevention came into effect January 1, 2021, affecting all federally regulated workplaces.

Easily access federal and provincial legislation and information regarding recent regulatory changes with our Canadian enviroOSH Legislation plus Standards subscription service. You’ll have a collection of all the health, safety and environmental legislation you need in one location.

See harassment and violence for what it is

Share this infographic on workplace harassment and violence to highlight worker rights, employer responsibilities, and examples of harassment and violence, including those of a sexual nature. This infographic also provides tips on committing to and creating a workplace that is free of harassment and violence. We also offer posters to promote awareness and prevention.

Know the signs so you can prevent harassment and violence

While the signs of harassment and violence aren’t always as clear as we need them to be, there are steps your workplace can take to ensure that your workers know how to recognize and report incidents if they happen. Listen to the podcast.

Visit our website for additional workplace harassment and violence fact sheets and resources.