WorkSafeBC – Maintaining COVID Plans
The BCFED called for increased inspections to enforce the new orders issued by the provincial health officer on November 7, including the issuing of appropriate penalties and fines if an employer fails to ensure a safe workplace.
The BCFED continues to call on the province to provide WCB prevention officers with all the tools and resources required to ensure they can enforce PHO orders in workplaces. The BCFED news release is available at:
The BCFED wants to ensure that our members are aware of the updated WCB plan to support the new orders that were issued for the Fraser Health and Vancouver Coastal Health Authorities.
The WCB will be conducting COVID-19 safety inspections in these regions and are urging employers to revisit their COVID-19 Safety Plans and updating them with involvement of their health and safety committees.
We urge you to share the attached information in your unions and organizations to ensure that workers have the resources and training they need to ensure their health and safety during this pandemic.
In solidarity,
President Secretary-Treasurer
BC Federation of Labour | 200-5118 Joyce Street | Vancouver BC V5R 4H1
tel: 604-430-1421 | email: or |