Your union bargaining committee would like to inform you that we reached a tentative agreement with the employer yesterday afternoon.
We took into considerations the survey that members had the opportunity to fill out. This was used as our reference to bargain what our members told us were their priorities. The employer and union had frank open discussions, and the union pushed back on the employer proposals which included updating of language of the collective agreement.
The union asked the employer for the non-union employees benefit package, and the employer gave selected policies to us. After looking at the non-union employees benefits we used this to lead our discussion on fair and equitable deal. The union was firm on ensuring that we get the “$8 sucks” clause removed (which is Information Appendix A in your collective agreement, and limits reimbursement on things like massage therapy, chiropractic and physiotherapy care to only $8 for the first 12 visits in a calendar year).
We were able to bargain modest benefit improvements and gains in wages that reflect the current provincial trend.
Please come out to the meeting on Wednesday March 4 at 6pm at CDC – 425 E 29th Ave in Vancouver – to hear more in depth details and to vote on the package that your bargaining committee was able to negotiate on your behalf.
Thank you,
Your bargaining committee.